Monday, August 17, 2015

Be The Best YOU

Person: Because I was always so jealous of your hair. It was long and perfect.
Me: Don't be jealous because just like that it's gone.

                                            BEFORE THE BIG CHOP           AFTER THE BIG CHOP
                                                                                                                        (August 2015)

NOTHING in life is ever perfect. To some, on the outside looking in your life may look fabulous. What you do may look perfect, it may look like something others may want BUT truth is, it's not.

Above was a snippet of a conversation I had with someone on why I cut my hair. To me, cutting off my hair can be put in the same category as everything else in this world that will one day fade away. Something else that is an accessory not a necessity. When it's all said and done and my hair isn't flourishing down my back and blowing freely in the wind, I'M STILL ME.

It's easy to get caught up in the opinions of man. Those opinions have the ability to box us in and paralyze us from being who we're meant to be. I understand when people say, "Oh my gosh, your hair was so beautiful. I would've loved for my hair to be that long." It's not really the hair though, it goes beyond that. It goes beyond what the human eye can see and becomes personal. Sure there are many people that would love to have hair like others, but we ultimately have to look in the mirror and ask ourselves..."Why?"

GOD made us uniquely different for a reason and when we wish to be like others or want what they have we rob God His uniqueness to be show through us. Take away all the accessories and we're still all women, beautiful women.

Love You. 
Be You. 
& Be the Best You!