What are you willing to let go in order to be obedient to God and pursue purpose? For some time now, this is a question I've wrestled with. Am I willing to forget about what I want to pursue purpose and at what cost? In making the decision to leave school in my junior year of completing a Bachelor in Bioscience, there were many things I had to take into consideration. The thought of being close to finishing, letting my parents down, thoughts of failing and a host of other things ran through my mind. One of the biggest things I had to deal with was doubting God and how He would provide for me. I was so focused on what I wanted to do and not what God has been telling me to do. Focused on attending to what others wanted and not what God wanted.
I had to ask myself one question, "Which cost more? My obedience or my disobedience?" It's funny how we ask God to confirm His word as if Him telling us what to do wasn't enough in the first place. Even once we get a confirmation we ask for another one just to make sure we heard Him correctly. I'm reminded time and time again that I'm not representing myself, I'm representing God. From a full-time student to full-time missions. Now, is the time to step out on faith and obey God. It's not easy to leave the place you're most comfortable and content. But I've decided to step outside of the box I've created for myself and be obedient.
"Sometimes the smallest step in the right direction ends up being the biggest step of your life. Tip toe if you must but take the step." - Unknown

In March, I will be heading back to Ghana for a couple months. While there I will be working hands on with the children at the Victory Children's Orphanage, whom my organization
Loving Hands Helping Hearts is partnered with. Overseeing 117 of the brightest kids I've ever met between the ages 3-13 years old. I'm excited about helping out there and I would like to invite you to share in this excitement with me. I hope that you will consider being part of this journey with me and giving a donation which will help with travel cost, shipping books (see below) and other essentials is helping make this trip a success. At the end of this blog you will find a "Donate" button, every donation is important and will allow me to be hands on and build together with the Victory Children. I would also appreciate it if you would share this with others who may want to get involved as well.
Finally, the education of our children at the Victory Children's Orphanage is one of our top priorities. Although we are not able to send every child to school financially (as of now), we will work to see that every child is still able to learn. During this visit in conjunction with the Victory Children's Orphanage, we will be building their first library with 300 plus books, thanks to our donors via "
Donate a Book, Educate a Child." The purpose of "Donate a Book, Educate a Child," is to educate the children and open their minds to the world around them and expand on what they've already been exposed to. To educate an individual and in return they can keep the cycle going by impacting and educating their families, communities and the world.
Loving Hands Helping Hearts - Ghana 2014 Recap